Russ Harris Russ Harris

“The Holiday Effect” The dangers of hidden stress and the importance of taking breaks

Many of us become so accustomed to stress that we barely notice its presence. It seeps into our routines, becoming a silent companion that follows us through our days. However, it often takes a holiday—a complete break from our usual environment and responsibilities—for us to truly realise just how stressed we've been. This phenomenon, I’m calling it "the holiday effect," reveals the stark contrast between our everyday stress levels and the relaxation we experience when we finally step away.

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Psychology Russ Harris Psychology Russ Harris

The surprising benefits of psychological coaching

The importance of seeking therapy is now more widely acknowledged. A common misconception exists that therapy is exclusively for individuals facing acute mental health challenges. Contrary to this belief, engaging with a therapist can offer numerous advantages for those already enjoying good mental health. Here we discuss just a few of the many potential benefits; such as enhancing psychological skills, improving performance and developing tools to address potential future challenges.

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Russ Harris Russ Harris

How to go from hating cardio to loving it

I’ve had interesting conversations about cardio recently. My relationship with cardio has been up-and-down over the years so I understand the trepidation. However, now that I’m training cardio more consistently and enjoying it far more, I thought I’d share some tips with you that helped me and people I’ve worked with recently to “get into it”

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